Every special event organize in the institute with students and student success in there goal credits to Advance Technologies
ADVANCE TECHNOLOGIES Sunder Nagar में फ्री कंप्यूटर कोर्स CCC आप सबके अपने Advance Technologies मे सुरू हो गया है। मेरा आप सब से निवेदन हैं कि इस message को आगे से आगे शेयर करें ताकि कोई जरुरत मंद बच्चा इस कोर्स में भाग ले सके।इस […]
A computer laboratory is important in every private and government Institution to enhance the scientific and technological research and invention capacity of students. We don’t mean computer lab to pass on the formalities and just to showcase that in papers. We are providing the good […]
Admission Open For Coaching with 100% Result with the following classes batch has been started ARMY, POLICE, PATWARI Batch Timing 9:00 am to 2:00 pm 10:00 am to 3:00 pm 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Evening Batch Timing or anytime after the afternoon 3:00 pm […]
We have limited seats for the ‘O’ Level computer course. Hurry up….